I am Olmyda Mystal, i’m 15 years old. I’m Melissa’s daughter, director of »ESMONO » (Ecole Soleil sur les Montagnes Noires). We are 5 kids in the family. I have 3 sisters and 1 baby-brother. So I’m the second child.
Otto helps not only to ESMONO, but also my family. Today the are two children of us at ESMONO, and 3 of us for our secondary school go to « Collège Méthodiste de Frères », one of the best schools of Haiti. May be so arise teachers for the future?
Olmyda, once queen and luminary
Olmyda, my trip to Switzerland
ESMONO exist in the same year of the cruel earthquake in Haiti and has 325 students currently, educate « street children’s. » Otto is the founder of the ESMONO and PRO ESMONO, Support Society ESMONO Zurich CH. In addition, I am « the ambassador of ESMONO, » « Miss the Methodist Brothers College », usual designation for the best student in my class, I mean hope and future.
That shows how the students of Esmono have future. Now I learn the « World Press » wonderful software and I was already writing the first blogs. Otto is currently aged 83 … We wish him still many years of activity !
Olmyda sings on « coronation » in the middle of his class!
Donate: Pro Esmono, Zürcher Kantonalbank, Compte 1100-05239615, IBAN CH52 0070 0110 0052 3961 5, SWIZKBKCHZZ80A. thanks!